Saturday, September 23, 2006



Another week has passed. Crazy how the time is flying by. I went to Alpha again today, I love being with this group.

Placement was awesome this week. I even get to see some of the individuals that live at the homes I work at there! I got to help with lots of activities like swimming, pet therapy, cooking and lots more! I'm super blessed to be there. One of my classes is called Interviewing and Counselling, so one of my friends and I had to interview eacher, asking 5 personal questions, recording it on video tape! i have to finish typing up that assignment.

nap time is approaching......zzzzzzzzzzz

The LORD is good! Even when we don't understand. He is faithful, true, pure and just.

leaves are getting pretty

Sunday, September 17, 2006



Yesterday I started taking an Alpha course with a friend. It was so wild, the super cool couple that are running it, the guy is a spokes person for the organization i work for, (which i didn't know before hand) and did the SoM that i did in Toronto 4 years prior to me! So, of course we know many of the same people.... . connections,connections! God is so cool. i'm excited about the Alpha course.

i start my placement on wednesday. it is with an agency in town that serves people with disabilities. i'm doing the placement at their day program. i think it will be really neat.

Since starting to do Mary Kay, it's been a lot about setting goals and working towards them. i often get overwhelmed with all my goals and trying to actually work on them without getting discouraged and frustrated. it's coming! ONe thing they suggest is to make a list everday of the 6 most important things to do. honestly, i haven't done this everyday, but i've been working on the principal of it it trying to accomplish the things i want to get done. one more thing i've gotten back into is playing the piano. there's this really sweet 17 year old down the street who i've started to take lessons from, (every other week) and she's really helping me with counting, ryhthm, scales etc. i've only had one lesson so far, but hopefully this will be something i can commit to and actually follow through and be accountable with.

accountability is a beautiful thing. sometimes i don't want to be accountable, but when i share those things that hold me in fear with people who love me, i feel safer and it's a release. sometimes it takes a lot of courage, then it's like, what was the big deal about being afraid of that. On track, what does that mean for you? i need to be in accountabilityship (new word) to stay on track.

i've been watching these really cool teaching dvd's called Soul Restoration Series with this amazing Japanese woman. i encourage you to check out her website:
Lots of truth and healing there.

There's this Rebecca St. James song that i just love. most of her songs i just love so much, but this one imparticular i'll share with you today:

"I Thank You"- RSJ 2003(Megwich!)

There was a time when I felt alone and afraid
But You came close to me and I'm forever changed
'Cause something stirred inside me, so much more than I can say

I thank You for believing in me
You've given me Your all, now I'll never be alone
I thank You, You never stopped loving me
You've held onto my soul
And I'm never letting go, never letting go

Your love is so amazing
Beyone compare
And now I can't imagine life with You there
For You have healed my spirit
I'm resting in Your loving care

I thank You.......

Something stirred inside me
Something i just can't deny
Fore You have healed my spirit
Your mercy has restored my life.

I thank You.....


Unashamedly Me

Written by B.W.

I look at the mirror, what do i see?
Do i see a daughter of God, or do i see a mistake of the Creator?
Inside of me is the Holy Spirit, inside of me is sin.
Oil and water can not mix.
A war going on inside of me in the innermost part of my being.
No one hears the shots inside.
And yet, through grace, i see a beautiful me.
Someone who is in love with Him, and who is His alone.

In His eyes, I have no blemish, in His eyes I am perfectly me.
Everything He created me to be.
He knows what I am truly like, the good and the bad.
He accepts me for who I am right now.
Regardless of what others think, or say.
"No fear," He says, "for I see you, let yourself shine, do not hold back or cower in fear."
I rise, more beautiful than before, for i have beheld His face, and He has seen mine.
And i am unashamedly me.


Who am I?

I am accepted...

I am God's child- John 1:12
I am Christ's friend- John 15:15
I have been justified.- Rom. 5:1
I am united with the Lord, and I am one spirit with Him. -1 Cor. 6:17
I have been bought with a rice. I belong to God. 1 Cor 12:27
I am a member of Christ's body- Eph 1:1
I am a saint Eph 1:15
I have been adopted as God's child. -Eph 1:5
I have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit- Eph 2:18
I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins. - Col 1:14
I am complete in Christ- Col 2:10

I am secure...

I am free forever from condemnation- Rom8: 1,2
I am assured that all things work together for good- Rom 8:28
I am free from any condemning charges against me-Rom 8:31
I cannot be separated from the love of God Rom 8:35
I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God- 2 Cor 1:21,22
I am hidden with Christ in God- Col 3:3
I am confident that the good work that God has begun in me will be perfected- Phil 1:6
I am a citizen of heaven- Phil 3:20
I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound MIND! YEAH!!!!!!!- 2 Tim 1:7
I can find grace and mercy in time of need. - Heb 4:16
I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me- 1 John 5:18

I am significant...

I am the salt and light of the earth- Matt. 5:13,14
I am a branch of the true vine, a channel of His life.- John 15:1,5
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit- John 15:16
I am a personal witness of Christ's - Acts 1:8
I am God's temple- 2 Cor 3:16
I am a minister of reconciliation for God- 2 Cor 5:17
I am God's co-worker -2 Cor 6:1, 1 Cor 3:9
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realm- Eph 2:6
I am God's workmanship- Eph 2:6
I may approach GOd with freedom and confidence- Eph 3:12
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me- Phil 4:13

(From "Living Free in Christ" by Dr. Neil Anderson)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006



I'm really sorry that i've not posted anything in like 3 months. i could ryhme off excuses, but I won't. I'm starting new.
Summer was beautiful, itchy, sad and sweet,joyful, learningful (new word) and I feel new. I'm so excited for this year. I'm just getting back into the swing of school.
I'm going to be posting pictures of Big Sandy Bay where I spent a lot of my time, working at this beautiful conservation area. I have to figure out how to do that on this computer.
I'm letting go of fear!
I'm so thankful for the friendships that God's brought into my life.
Thankyou my friends. You are gifts.

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